I am a physicist specializing in quantum information and quantum computation, and currently a research scientist at IBM Quantum.
Recent highlighted work:
- Diagonalization of large many-body Hamiltonians on a quantum processor: experimental demonstration of the real-time quantum Krylov algorithm applied to simulation of the ground state energy of 2D Heisenberg models on up to 56 qubits.
- Chemistry beyond exact solutions on quantum-centric supercomputer: a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm using quantum sampling and classical post-processing to provide classically certifiable approximate low energies for chemical electronic structure Hamiltonians. Experimental demonstrations include [4Fe-4S] cluster represented on 77 qubits.
- Analysis of quantum Krylov algorithms with errors: end-to-end error analysis of the real-time quantum Krylov algorithm. One takeaway is that generic errors can be expressed as a perturbation of the Krylov space together with a perturbation of the Hamiltonian.
Full list of publications available at Google Scholar
Contact: william [dot] kirby [at] ibm [dot] com